<![CDATA[Oh How she Glows - Blog]]>Thu, 09 May 2024 03:14:30 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[Balancing Life In Stressful Environments]]>Thu, 24 Oct 2019 05:09:55 GMThttp://ohowsheglows.com/blog/balancing-life-in-stressful-environments
There are stressors surrounding us in all parts of our lives, may it be at home, work, or even your day to day routine. But how do we create a balance? how do we set aside time for ourselves, and the ones we love? How are we able to have a peace of mind?

It's much easier said then done. Being an ER nurse, I am expected to turn on my "Tough" and turn on my "Human", at the same time, and to be honest finding a balance can be tough at times, because you are expected to be strong for everyone. It's okay not to have it all together, all the time, or to be the "Hero" in high stressful situations.

At times, I have to remind myself to have balance, so that I can have a sense of peace. You can only imagine what nurses, especially critical care nurses (ER, ICU, Trauma) see on a daily bases.  These past couple of weeks at work have been extremely intense for me, due to the entry and severity of patients. My career is to extend the hand to others, but knowing also when to extend it for myself.

Make sure you all know when to extend your hand to yourself, to create your level of balance. Find something that is self satisfying, soothing, and comforting to your peace. The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.

XOXO Glowers,

Katrina Clark
"OH How She Glows"
Health & Wellness Entrepreneur

<![CDATA[Are You Becoming]]>Thu, 10 Jan 2019 01:30:06 GMThttp://ohowsheglows.com/blog/are-you-becoming

  Words can not describe how December 17th, 2018 has forever changed my life. Not only did I celebrate my best friend's birthday, but I was able to witness history, being in the presence of our former First Lady Michelle Obama . Such humility, honesty, and prestige when she spoke. She was that relatable girlfriend and stand up role model all in one. Her timing, poise, and delivery was impeccable. My trip to Dallas, came at a well needed time, due to dealing with a stressful week prior to. The title "Becoming" was just the beginning of my own replenishment that I am constantly exploring.

   We all have a story on how we are "Becoming", and how I see it, is that we must own it however it may come. My story has already had so many phases, but continues to evolve . I ask myself how do I accept my"Becoming" in its different realms, and sometimes I may not have the answers or be clear, but I accept it because it is mine. My "Becoming" will not be the next person's, but  my personal way of me learning, failing, growing and gaining.  In telling our story we must be honest and loyal to it. I challenge to you all: Who do you want to become?

XOXO Glowers,

Katrina Clark
"Oh How She Glows"
Health & Wellness Entreprenur

<![CDATA[Wanting Vs Deciding]]>Sat, 15 Sep 2018 01:47:42 GMThttp://ohowsheglows.com/blog/wanting-vs-deciding

 The endless possibilities of wanting something can never be mistaken on actually making a decision. Wanting can be done sitting and contemplating on why change should happen, struggling if it is the right decision, and a major cause of resistance.
  Deciding means jumping in all the way, doing whatever it takes, and  going after your dreams with the tenacity as a fearless leader. Who hasn't been in the seat of only "Wanting" a better outcome vs you taking that first step in making a "Decision".

  There is a term I learned called the Paradigm Shift. A
paradigm shift is defined as "an important change that happens when the usual way of thinking about or doing something is replaced by a new and different way." Through my eyes this is a continuing learning experience, in order for me to make an actual change. When a shift does takes place, you will know that it is the right time for you, but we must not allow fear to take over, for it is not the ruler of you.

 So I say this, if you want to change your life, begin by changing your words. Start speaking the words of your dreams, of who you want to become, not the words of you fear to be.

XOXO Glowers,

Katrina Clark
"OH How She Glows"
Health & Wellness Entrepreneur

<![CDATA[Setting Healthy Expectations & What It Means To Win]]>Sun, 05 Aug 2018 23:04:59 GMThttp://ohowsheglows.com/blog/setting-healthy-expectations-what-it-means-to-win

What does it mean to set "Healthy Expectations"? and how to "Win".
I honestly had to learn this concept, and I am learning still each and everyday.The first thing I learned is to be "honest" with myself. It is very easy to set goals, and not act on them. We may become distracted, have a decrease in drive, or even doubt ourselves before we even start. Whatever your expectations are, learn to trust the journey that is fit for you, even if you don't understand it. Sometimes  what you never wanted or expected turns out what you truly need. When you set these expectations, they should only be justifiable to you, it is not your responsibility to explain how you want to create your life, and how it benefits you. Once you are able to set your "Healthy Expectations", your results will be you winning in areas of your life through Trust, Accountability, Honesty, Support, and Respect. One of the best gifts that you can give yourself, is by working on who you are as an individual. "Be addicted to bettering yourself"- K.Clark


Katrina Clark
OH How She Glows
Health & Wellness Entrepreneur

<![CDATA[OHSG Presents It's First ZUMBA Class!!]]>Thu, 01 Feb 2018 23:56:09 GMThttp://ohowsheglows.com/blog/ohsg-presents-its-first-zumba-class
Hey Glowers!! I know it has been a minute since I posted, I've been working extremely hard on some projects that I will soon present. I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year!! I am super excited about one of my projects in becoming a Zumba Instructor!! Above, check out some highlights from the first class!! It was a hit, and I can't wait til the next one. Click on the "OHSG Zumba Tab" for details on the next  class!! Lets stay encouraged, motivated, and driven in becoming and staying healthy.

"Oh How She Glows"
Health & Wellness Entreprenuer

<![CDATA[Healthy Starts to Your Journey!]]>Sat, 02 Sep 2017 13:18:59 GMThttp://ohowsheglows.com/blog/healthy-starts-to-your-journey
   To start a journey, it takes time, commitment, and consistency. There are moments when  we feel we can not accomplish are goals. This is not due to the fact that we are incapable, but we tell our minds that we are unable to complete the task. You must take the first step in order to begin a process, and stop underestimating yourself. Every positive change in your life begins with a clear, unequivocal decision that you are going to either do something or stop doing something. You hold the key to your health, so now it's time to unlock the door.



"Oh How She Glows"
 Health & Wellness Blogger

<![CDATA[Food For Your Soul !!]]>Sat, 02 Sep 2017 02:04:01 GMThttp://ohowsheglows.com/blog/food-for-your-soul
   So can I tell you that I am loving Oprah's new Pod Cast "Super Soul Conversations". Not only do we need to feed our bodies, but our souls/minds need meals too!!. Today was my first day listening in on one of the sessions, and I truly appreciated how freely the conversations flowed between her and the guest. Reading, listening, and guidance are 3 key aspects that I continue to pour into myself, so that I do not limit the teachings that help in the progression of growth. "Your mind will always believe everything you tell it. Feed it faith. Feed it truth. Feed it with love"- Anonymous

Click on the link below, and check out the Pod Casts of "Super Soul Conversations"



"Oh How She Glows"
Health & Wellness Entrepreneur
